I've been sitting on this one for a while, until I got a request from Patrick regarding an OmniFocus CLI and LaunchBar. I thought it might be time to dig this up and post it.
A reader named Tony left
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After my epic three-part post on Saturday, I spent the rest of the weekend doing more "useful" things. Now it's Sunday night (Monday morning, I think), and I've got some kind of minor food poisoning w
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I've been flirting with a plain-text to-do system again. The biggest problem for me is that a plain text system opens up so many possibilities for fiddling and scripting. I always end up fiddling more
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I know, I said I was done with the Lorem Ipsum generators. Then Dr. Drang responded with a brilliant solution which doesn't require Internet access to generate some beautiful dummy text. I set it up a
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I needed a script send an SMS today, and I found a very handy post at sudocode to send one via Google Voice, using PHP. I wanted to make it a little more command-line-friendly, so I rewrote it (ham-ha
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A quick script in response to Donald's query on my TextExpander Experiments post. He wanted to know if I could make the bit.ly script—which expands to a bit.ly-shortened version of a url in the
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Songza.fm has moved to Songza.org, so I've rewritten the old Songza Lucky Link Service for Snow Leopard to match. This new version of the service runs without dependencies, so it should work for any S
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Update: If you're looking for a Markdown -> Evernote, check this out.
Another post, quickly and with less explanation...
The fact that Evernote processes HTML so much better than it does plain or ri
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Download the Evaluate Expression Snow Leopard service: EvaluateExpressionService.zip
This is a stripped down version of a command I have in the TextMate bundle we use at TUAW. It allows you to select
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