Quick Link: Terminal navigation utilities

Bash prompt screenshotIf you follow me on Twitter, you've probably seen me express my adoration for autojump, a command-line utility for navigating frequently-used folders. The only problem is that I deal with a lot of rep

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Quick Tip: throttling parallel batch processes in Terminal

Parallel Planes ClipartItQuick tips are random posts regarding something I discovered on my way to something bigger. They usually get longer than "quick" would imply, for which I refuse to apologize.

It starts out with mdfin

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Automated HTML5 video encoding revisited

HTML5 AutomatorA little while ago I approached the subject of scripting automated encoding for HTML5 video formats. I started using the process regularly as I built the Blogsmith Bundle video site. Pretty soon I got

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Address Book search and Skype from the command line

Here's a neat little command-line utility for searching your address book: aboo. It's not complex... it just takes a single word or phrase and searches your Address Book entries' names for it. It can

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SMS from the command line with Google Voice

I needed a script send an SMS today, and I found a very handy post at sudocode to send one via Google Voice, using PHP. I wanted to make it a little more command-line-friendly, so I rewrote it (ham-ha

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Things tasks from the command line

thingsicon.jpegIf you're a Things.app user (and a Terminal user), I've got a quick function for your .bash_profile that will allow you to quickly add todo items to your inbox with notes and natural-language date par

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Is your URL too short? Try our system, free!

URL Extender SystemI was sifting through my previous blog after Jeffery Zeldman kindly sent a lot of visitors in that direction for some TextMate starter tips. Whilst milling around, I stumbled upon an old trick I used

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A quick TextMate KeyBindings tip

Typewriter ImageI love the keyboard, and I love keyboard shortcuts. It's one of the reasons TextMate and I get along so well. There's one thing that bothers me any time I'm editing text (in any application), though:

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My new favorite Bash prompt

My new favorite Bash prompt I do a lot in Terminal. Sometimes, it's easier. Sometimes it's faster. Sometimes I'd just rather type it out. Whatever the reason, I've never been able to stand looking at a boring shell prompt. Bash

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