I was playing with the new TextMate Markdown bundle for MultiMarkdown 3 when I remembered an old nit I had with the list commands: no single-keystroke way to move list items up and down. Unless I'm co
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I was tooling around the Vim website looking at blogging plugins this morning. I noticed that one of them, Vimpress, had linked to an old project of mine that allowed you to work with Ultimate Tag War
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I use TextMate for editing most of my Markdown. I could name a dozen reasons why this is the case, but let's leave it at auto-pairing, wrapping and the Blogsmith Bundle features. Anyhow, I got a bug y
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I've been flirting with a plain-text to-do system again. The biggest problem for me is that a plain text system opens up so many possibilities for fiddling and scripting. I always end up fiddling more
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I'd just like to put it out there, as someone will eventually: Notational Velocity ALT (henceforth referred to as nvALT) is turning into something antithetical to the original premise of Notational Ve
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I just discovered Sparkup (via NetTuts+). It adds the one thing I find lacking in Zen Coding: the ability to traverse backward in a shortcut (among several other improvements).
Background: Zen Coding
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I'm on a roll with stupid scripts today, but it's Saturday... so, whatever. This is a quick command for creating semantic <abbr> tags in TextMate. It's short, but pretty smart: if your text is a mix o
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I love the keyboard, and I love keyboard shortcuts. It's one of the reasons TextMate and I get along so well. There's one thing that bothers me any time I'm editing text (in any application), though:
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Yesterday, I posted a quick TextExpander snippet for inserting placeholder images into an HTML layout using placehold.it. I took a minute today to convert this to a TextMate snippet as well, and wante
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A good friend of mine, Christina Warren, just published a piece on Mashable / Dev & Design about TextMate themes, and it warms my heart to know there are other people as dedicated to this aging te
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Just a quick hit on this one... when hacking away at the styles of things one probably shouldn't be hacking away at, embedding images right in the CSS is a handy trick. It's done by Base64 encoding th
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This is a quick and dirty Snow Leopard Service that scrapes Songza.fm to find a song related to your selected text in most applications. It replaces the selected text with an is.gd shortened link and
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It may take me a while to convert my setup back to the old days of TextMate blogging. I've primarily been blogging for TUAW, which uses a blogging system with very poor XMLRPC support. The end result
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