Taking the Markdown to Evernote service further

Martin Kopischke has taken my little Markdown to Evernote Service and made it whole. I dropped the project pretty quickly as I stopped using Evernote as my primary storage for text notes, and I left i

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Quick Tip: clean up your MultiMarkdown tables

The table syntax in MultiMarkdown is intuitive and can be really fast to work with. Much faster than coding HTML tables, to be sure. Unless you're pretty religious about your spacing, though, the plai

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A couple of TextMate Macros for Markdown lists

That's funny. If you can't see this picture, you're missing out.I was playing with the new TextMate Markdown bundle for MultiMarkdown 3 when I remembered an old nit I had with the list commands: no single-keystroke way to move list items up and down. Unless I'm co

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nvALT 2.0: it's here

nvALT 2.0 ScreenshotThe long-promised 2.0 (yeah, I skipped 1.0.8) is finally here. Please download it here, as the application filename has changed to "nvALT" and Check for Updates won't work properly. It also uses its o

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Notational Velocity ALT expatiation (and roadmap)

I'd just like to put it out there, as someone will eventually: Notational Velocity ALT (henceforth referred to as nvALT) is turning into something antithetical to the original premise of Notational Ve

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Notational Velocity ALT 1.0 release

After a few late nights of off-hours programming, I'm putting Notational Velocity ALT out as a version 1.0. Obviously built on the backs of others, I'm just giving it a versioning scheme of its own to

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Notational Velocity ALT 5.3

As usual with projects I didn't plan to take as far as I did, my version numbering scheme is, well, stupid. With the next release I'm going to implement my own feed for automatic updates, so I'll prob

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Notational Velocity alternative MultiMarkdown version

Updated: the download link on this page now goes to the fourth revision, more information here.

After my experiment last night, and finding DivineDominion's already-awesome fork of Notational Velocit

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Lunch-break bugfixes for Notational Velocity ALT

Notational Velocity ALT-3 ScreenshotI'm going to have to build a project page for this, and probably set up a separate Sparkle feed for updates on this fork. I had a few minutes while eating my peanut butter and jelly, so I'm posting a

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Notational Velocity and MultiMarkdown

You might want to check out the alternative version (which is more recent).

Update: I was just informed (see comments) about another fork of Notational Velocity which has implemented MultiMarkdown al

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Three things I discovered today

Amidst trying to get ready to launch a major website and playing with my own personal projects, I realized three things today. How important they are is debatable, and their usefulness depends entirel

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MultiMarkdown in MarsEdit

Mars Edit IconI've just started using MarsEdit^MarsEdit again (in combination with my TextMate^TextMate blogging bundles), but I've run into a couple of issues. First, I can't assign thumbnails to my posts directly

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A better System Service for Evernote clipping - with MultiMarkdown

Update: If you're looking for a Markdown -> Evernote, check this out.

Another post, quickly and with less explanation...

Evernote IconThe fact that Evernote processes HTML so much better than it does plain or ri

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