Notational Velocity ALT 5.3
As usual with projects I didn't plan to take as far as I did, my version numbering scheme is, well, stupid. With the next release I'm going to implement my own feed for automatic updates, so I'll prob
Read More…nvALT 1.0.3 has been posted for automatic updates and direct download. If you're already running nvALT (formerly Notational Velocity ALT), just go to the application menu and choose "Check for Updat
Read More…As usual with projects I didn't plan to take as far as I did, my version numbering scheme is, well, stupid. With the next release I'm going to implement my own feed for automatic updates, so I'll prob
Read More…Updated: the download link on this page now goes to the fourth revision, more information here.
After my experiment last night, and finding DivineDominion's already-awesome fork of Notational Velocit
You might want to check out the alternative version (which is more recent).
Update: I was just informed (see comments) about another fork of Notational Velocity which has implemented MultiMarkdown al
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