New: TextExpander downloads with custom prefixes

Custom TextExpander URL screenshot

Hey, TextExpander users! Wanna see something cool? I made a little tool this morning to allow any of my TextExpander groups to be installed with your own custom prefix. You can now use whatever is "

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Additional Characters for TextExpander

Thanks to Thomas Borowski, the Characters group in my TextExpander project has been expanded to include Home, End, Control, Escape, Enter and Delete symbols. Check it out on the TextExpander project p

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Filesystem navigation with TextExpander

I just added a TextExpander group called "Filesystem" to my TextExpander project page. It's just a small set of paths that I find myself typing often in support emails, but here's the cool part: they

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Dynamic placeholder images, now with kittens

KITTEH 300x250Thanks to Michael Jones for brightening an otherwise dull day for me. He pointed me to placekitten, a site that mimics and inserts dummy images into HTML mockups for you. The difference b

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Markdown snippets for TextExpander touch

It may come as a surprise to some (many), but I've never really made effective use of TextExpander on my iPad or iPhone (TextExpander touch). I don't do a lot of the things on my iPad which I do on my

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Dammit. Again with the Lipsum.

I know, I said I was done with the Lorem Ipsum generators. Then Dr. Drang responded with a brilliant solution which doesn't require Internet access to generate some beautiful dummy text. I set it up a

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One more time: TextExpander Lipsum snippets with

Kwisatzs Haderach screenshot

Ok, this is the last TextExpander Lipsum post, I promise (with my fingers crossed). I'm posting a full TextExpander group with all of the TextExpander random Lorem Ipsum generators I've posted so fa

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TextExpander lipsum followup, with ice cream

loremipscream logoIt turns out it was me that was broken, not the Loremipscream API. That API can return just plain text, so the shell scripts are much more readable than trying to hack apart XML in Bash. You can get a

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Random Lipsum for TextExpander

I hate it when I get an idea for something simple and end up spending an hour figuring out how to do it. I figured I'd make a post out of it to make myself feel better. It all started with my being di

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TextExpander: with authentication

A quick script in response to Donald's query on my TextExpander Experiments post. He wanted to know if I could make the script—which expands to a version of a url in the

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Instant placeholder images with TextExpander When designing for the web, placeholder images can come in handy during initial layout, and even during wireframing, if you happen to wireframe in markup. I've been using a TextExpander snippet to ge

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TextExpander experiments

I've seen a few people around the 'net sharing their TextExpander snippets, so I thought I'd join in. Not familiar with TextExpander? It's a Mac utility that expands short snippets into full text you'

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