Make CSSEdit use the latest Webkit nightly every time

Post main imageIf you're a web designer with a Mac, you probably use--or at least know of--CSSEdit. In it's heyday, it was the way to edit CSS. It's fallen a little out of repair; it doesn't recognize new selectors

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Pinboard redesign experiment

Pinboard Redesign preview imageA Pinboard redesign built off of the styles started by Josh Pigford, I'm providing a bare stylesheet which works with StyleBot on Chrome and User CSS on Safari. The Chrome version can be installed str

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Watch for file changes and refresh your browser automatically

Post image for Watcher ServiceAfter my epic three-part post on Saturday, I spent the rest of the weekend doing more "useful" things. Now it's Sunday night (Monday morning, I think), and I've got some kind of minor food poisoning w

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Look, I made you a Markdown teleprompter

PromptDown Edit Screen PromptDown Prompt Screen

Be sure to check out version 2, with iOS support (iPhone/iPad)!

Here's my stupid trick of the day: a Markdown teleprompter called PromptDown (I see what you did there...). The idea was to create a

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Instant placeholder images with TextExpander When designing for the web, placeholder images can come in handy during initial layout, and even during wireframing, if you happen to wireframe in markup. I've been using a TextExpander snippet to ge

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Notes on cleaning up the MediaTemple hack (JohnnyA)

NOTE: Be sure to read through the comments, there's a lot of additional and very useful information in there. I'll compile the notes as soon as I'm able and add them to the main post.

First, the hack

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Visually differentiating your development site

I have most of the websites I work on set up with separate development (usually local^localdev) and production/deployment servers. It's pretty easy to keep straight when I'm first designing a site,

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Targeting and filtering IE with relative ease

I just read a blog post by James Scariati regarding a method to target every version of IE from a single stylesheet. The idea was to add a wrapper div with a specific class using conditional comments,

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