A Quick VoodooPad Script Plugin - Go To Today
This script may not be of use to many people, but I'm finding it so handy today that I figured I'd post it in the hopes that someone who needs it finds it. It's really only useful to people who use V
These VoodooPad Script Plugins are the result of two opposing traits of mine: laziness and curiosity. Laziness because, well, why should I have to move my hand all the way over to my mouse to go to th
Read More… This script may not be of use to many people, but I'm finding it so handy today that I figured I'd post it in the hopes that someone who needs it finds it. It's really only useful to people who use V
Amidst trying to get ready to launch a major website and playing with my own personal projects, I realized three things today. How important they are is debatable, and their usefulness depends entirel
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