nvALT 2.0: it's here
The long-promised 2.0 (yeah, I skipped 1.0.8) is finally here. Please download it here, as the application filename has changed to "nvALT" and Check for Updates won't work properly. It also uses its o
Development on the next version of nvALT is going more slowly than I'd like, but some very cool changes are happening. In addition to implementing the latest changes and fixes from the main branch of
Read More…The long-promised 2.0 (yeah, I skipped 1.0.8) is finally here. Please download it here, as the application filename has changed to "nvALT" and Check for Updates won't work properly. It also uses its o
Here's where things are at, in case anyone was wondering:
Instapaper Beyond: I just sent an update to Apple this morning, and hope to have it approved shortly. It's a basic maintenance release to cat
Read More…I know a lot of people are growing nervous about whether the promised version 1.0.8 of nvALT is actually going to reach fruition. It will. I'm not sure how much further I'll take this incarnation of t
Read More…Unimportant update: its an update, not an udpate. I need a headline proofreader.
If you've run the newest version of Notational Velocity, you may have noticed that you can no longer run nvALT (as men
Read More…The latest update to the original Notational Velocity is awesome, and includes a lot of changes which I'll be merging in the next release of nvALT. However, it uses a newer database structure which, o
I made a few breakthroughs on nvALT before bed last night, and I'm excited, so I thought I'd share. It's not ready for testing yet, but the following two features are working as initial implementation
Read More…A small update to fix a few problems I consider critical while I work on larger features. The big two changes are:
Just a quick release to touch on a couple of bugs since yesterday's nvALT 1.0.4 release:
nvALT 1.0.4 introduces several new features and customizations.
This may eventually become a theme selector with multiple color prefs and a preset selector,
Read More…This is probably clearly documented somewhere, but it took me by surprise. If you have a full "attributed string" url in your clipboard (meaning you used ctrl-click "Copy Link") and you pop up Notatio
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