Clippable updated, goes mobile
I've pushed out an update to Clippable, for better or worse. In addition to the previously added line number removal for code blocks, it removes spans used in TextMate formatted code and adds some key
Read More…Here's a quick bookmarklet you can run on any Pinboard page containing a list of bookmarks. It adds a "Read" link at the end of the edit links for each post, and clicking the link will open the post i
I've pushed out an update to Clippable, for better or worse. In addition to the previously added line number removal for code blocks, it removes spans used in TextMate formatted code and adds some key
Read More…I made a couple of minor changes to the Clippable bookmarklet, mostly in the way it handles SyntaxHighlighter code blocks. The SyntaxHighlighter plugin is used (too) often to format and color code sou
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Clippable to Evernote will allow you to trigger the Clippable bookmarklet in Safari and copy the result directly to your "Unfiled" notebook in Evernote. This service is Snow Leopard-only. If you need