The Mac and iOS mind mapping app extravaganza

Mind map example

Most of my projects start out as mind maps (which I may have mentioned before). Whether it's a packing list, a blog post or a TextMate bundle, I find it easiest to organize my (often scattered) thou

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TextMate as WriteRoom, for free

I use TextMate for editing most of my Markdown. I could name a dozen reasons why this is the case, but let's leave it at auto-pairing, wrapping and the Blogsmith Bundle features. Anyhow, I got a bug y

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Big Nerd Ranchero

Headed to Atlanta main post image

I'm sitting at the airport in Minneapolis, waiting for a flight to Atlanta. I'm headed for Big Nerd Ranch for a week-long crash course in iPhone programming. I've done a little, but I think it will

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