Title track: Something Precious

This is a song I recorded a couple of years ago. I like it, although it's a bit dark. Yes, even darker than my usual. You may be happy to know that—since getting my new electric guitar—I

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Blue Bags: new song with 33% more metaphor

You can count yourself lucky if you have no idea what "blue bags with red letters" might be, but I think you'll get the idea from the lyrics to this song nonetheless. Within certain circles, the stamp

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And now... something happier

Junky Angel, my last post, was a rather dark look into my psyche, which makes this next one, "All Comes Spilling Out," seem happy by comparison. It's a love song, dark though it may be. Kind of like R

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Sad songs, part 2: Junky Angel

If not the saddest song I've ever written, "Junky Angel" is at least in the top 5. I'm not always this much of a downer, but I really needed to get this one up here as I start publishing my more recen

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Sad music for happy people, part 1

While I normally keep my blogging pretty technical, I've decided to start sharing some of my more personal projects, just to see what happens. I've been (slowly) working on a few songs for a very low-

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