PromptDown for iOS: Mobile Markdown Teleprompter

PromptDownWebClipIcon.jpgI recently wrote a tiny web app called PromptDown to let me drop in some Markdown (or plain text) and use it as a teleprompter for screencast voiceovers. I wasn't going to put any more time into it, a

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HomeControl: Local Mac control for iPhone

I tried out a tip recently for controlling a Mac via Mobile Safari on your iPhone, and it got me thinking, which is often dangerous. I put together this little web app today as a proof of concept (tha

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Clippable updated, goes mobile

I've pushed out an update to Clippable, for better or worse. In addition to the previously added line number removal for code blocks, it removes spans used in TextMate formatted code and adds some key

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Designing Draw

Draw Front ScreenErica Sadun recently released her latest app, Draw (iTunes link), into the wilds of the App Store. I take a special interest in this release because I designed the interface for it from the ground up.

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