Automated HTML5 video encoding revisited

HTML5 AutomatorA little while ago I approached the subject of scripting automated encoding for HTML5 video formats. I started using the process regularly as I built the Blogsmith Bundle video site. Pretty soon I got

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Automating HTML5 video encodes

I spent an inordinate amount of time not doing useful things today. During this non-productivity bender, I got a little obsessed with making the HTML5 video encoding process easier. I've been working

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Quick notes on cross-browser HTML5 video

Catholic TV ScreenshotI've been doing some screencasts lately, and have wanted to post them as HTML5 videos in many cases. I also wanted to serve them from my Cloudfront CDN. This is not a how-to post, just some things I l

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A TextMate Command for fast abbr tags

I'm on a roll with stupid scripts today, but it's Saturday... so, whatever. This is a quick command for creating semantic <abbr> tags in TextMate. It's short, but pretty smart: if your text is a mix o

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