Taking the Markdown to Evernote service further

Martin Kopischke has taken my little Markdown to Evernote Service and made it whole. I dropped the project pretty quickly as I stopped using Evernote as my primary storage for text notes, and I left i

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Evernote Site Memory tagger for WordPress

Evernote introduced Site Memory today, providing an easy way to help people clip to Evernote from your site while maintaining control over how your content appears and is attributed. While some instru

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EverSave revisited, now with session restore!

Safari 5 has brought several solutions for managing lists of open tabs, from the simple (like my TabLinks extension) to full session-management capabilities (see the beautiful Sessions extension). How

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Antique Safari Reader hack update with Evernote goodness

I updated the links and information on the main post, but I thought I'd put a little ping out there for RSS readers who might want to upgrade:

Evernote web clipper functionality is now complete in th

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Saving Safari browsing sessions to Evernote

I primarily use Safari for web browsing, mostly because it's smoother and faster than Firefox, and the Web Inspector is just as useful as Firebug. As time passes, I end up with a lot of web pages open

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A better System Service for Evernote clipping - with MultiMarkdown

Update: If you're looking for a Markdown -> Evernote, check this out.

Another post, quickly and with less explanation...

Evernote IconThe fact that Evernote processes HTML so much better than it does plain or ri

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Clippable updated to remove source code line numbers

I made a couple of minor changes to the Clippable bookmarklet, mostly in the way it handles SyntaxHighlighter code blocks. The SyntaxHighlighter plugin is used (too) often to format and color code sou

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Clippable to Evernote Snow Leopard Service

clippabletoevernote110309 Clippable to Evernote will allow you to trigger the Clippable bookmarklet in Safari and copy the result directly to your "Unfiled" notebook in Evernote. This service is Snow Leopard-only. If you need

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